Sunday 18 January 2015

Fourth Práctica Evaluable - Opinion Essay

Nowadays, in Spain education laws are being changed in order to allow young people yo stop studying earlier so we get unskilled workers for cheaper. The problem of non-studying is so old that Spanish people are thought to be lazy, simple and stupid. Our current government's solution is to give an early exit so they win affection and stupid people who will vote them for a long time.

Our education system is deficient but the problem is not students, it is the whole system, from the minister to the teachers. It's well-known that being a teacher is a comfortable job, with many holidays and less work. However being a teacher is not only a profession, it is a vocation.

In some countries as Sweden you have to pass many aptitudes exams to be a teacher, if you are not prepared you won't pass. Trough my school time I had many teachers who really enjoyed what they do, and others who did it because it is a good job. And what I mean is that the way someone teaches you something makes you love it or hate it.

Of course kids don't want to study so we have to be taugh with them. But some people just think that their children are not made to study or fathers who doesn't care. However our future is a bit complicated, we live in a world where the crisis is our daily news. So we need to be prepared.

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