Tuesday 21 June 2016

Bye bye Arabic!

Right now I have finished the four subjects of Arabic and I feel very proud of myself for learning such a difficult language. I want to share with you the materials we have used in class and the webs that I have used to solve doubts. This may change from year to year so checking the guidelines is a good idea. I am not saying that you will use the same things in the following years. Moreover, I know that the teacher of this subject is currently working on new material to include more Moroccan Arabic.

As I told you before when you choose Arabic you study both Arabic (fosha) and Moroccan Arabic (dariya). Since dariya is not a written language is very difficult to learn. We have books of dariya but they are just a little help, they are used to explain basic concepts like conjugations or vocabulary. We have 4 hours per week of Arabic, 1 of them is used to give Moroccan Arabic.

Here you have the materials we used for the subject which are written by the own teacher, Victoria Aguilar (Alatul & Mabruk).

1. Arabic I & II - Alatul

 In this book we learn how to write and read Arabic letters. We also have listening. This one has both Spanish and Arabic.

1.2. Moroccan I & II - Labas

We used this as extra material because the Moroccan Arabic is told orally.

2. Arabic III & IV - Mabruk

This book is used to achieve an A2.1 level so the book is fully written in Arabic. At this point we are supposed to write and read well so it focuses on vocabulary, reading and grammar.

2.1. Moroccan III & IV - An introduction to Moroccan Arabic and Culture

We used this as extra material because the Moroccan Arabic is told orally.

Finally, I will tell you which websites or books I have used as an extra help:

1. Online Arabic Dictionary Al-Qatra (Univerisity of Murcia)

2. Arabic Language (Blog)

3. Moroccan Arabic

4. 200 Moroccan Arabic Verbs

5. Moroccan Arabic book. Chuiya A1 

I hope this information would be helpful for you and I hope you like it. Please let a comment below and let me know what you think about this language. There are many things I want to tell you in detail so please keep coming!

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